"If you have pests, Dart's the best!
Pest Control Services in Memphis, TN
Although mice, rats, squirrels, and other rodents may enter your home all year long, this problem can be especially common in the winter in Memphis. The colder weather and scarcity of food can drive these pests toward shelter. Fortunately, by maintaining tighter control over a few key factors, you can effectively prevent rodent infestations.
To protect your home this winter, make sure that you follow these crucial steps:
The first line of defense in employing effective winter pest control strategies in Memphis is to limit access to your home. Your attic and basement are essential areas to address. In either of these areas, vents and ducts provide the perfect entry point for rodents. Install screens to keep animals out of your home.
Additionally, foundation cracks or roof damage will also provide access to your home. The heat that radiates from your roof or basement will be especially attractive to rodents who are looking for a warm place to build a nest. Keep up with repairs to prevent mice, rats, and squirrels from entering your home.
All types of rodents will look for new sources of nourishment as the winter weather arrives. Keeping your food tightly sealed in plastic containers can keep the scent of fresh food from traveling.
You will want to ensure any lids are closed on your trash receptacles as well. It can help to wrap food scraps in old grocery bags before depositing them in the trash. Clean up spills right away.
Cleanliness is important to consider when you’re looking for effective winter pest control strategies in Memphis. Piling up clutter outside your home will create an ideal winter shelter for rodents, and your home will then make a convenient stop for food and nesting materials once rodents occupy the clutter in your yard or on your patio.
Keep pet food indoors. Make sure to inspect any firewood you plan to bring inside. It’s a good idea to store your firewood on an elevated shelf or table. Weatherstripping around your doors and windows can help to keep the scent of food from traveling.
With over five decades of serving the Memphis community, Dart Pest, Lawn, & Wildlife has a proven record for effective pest control you can trust. We provide a comprehensive range of pest prevention and removal services to keep your home free from unwanted visitors. To learn more about our services, contact us today!
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