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Pest Control Services in Memphis, TN
Do you have a fear of mosquitoes? Many people around the world do. These pests are responsible for close to a million deaths each year. It makes sense that they would cause fear in some individuals. If you are worried about mosquitoes and are looking for ways to keep mosquitoes away from your Memphis yard, you are in the right place. Here are some things to consider about these pests, how to avoid being bitten, and some methods to keep them off your property.
Not all mosquitoes bite, only females have the necessary mouthparts to pierce human and animal skin. The reason females draw blood is not to feed themselves but rather to provide nutrients for their eggs. To extract blood, a female mosquito sucks so hard that blood vessels beneath the skin collapse and spill out. Sometimes mosquitoes will bite multiple times before filling up. Once full, females hold onto the blood for up to four days until they can find a source of stagnant water to lay their eggs in.
There is a good reason why doctors do not use the same needle on multiple patients. Cross-contamination is a fast way for one person's disease to become another's problem. This is what happens when mosquitoes bite multiple people and animals. If one creature or person they bite has a harmful blood-borne disease, they pick it up. They then can spread sickness to others whom they bite afterward. Here in the United States, mosquitoes are not as dangerous because of our access to quality health care services. Keeping this in mind, outbreaks do still happen. For this reason, we recommend taking precautions to reduce your chances of being bitten on and away from your property.
There are right and wrong ways to deter mosquitoes. One method we have heard about and done research on is sound-based repellants. In our studies, we have found no scientific backing to support that this method has any success in deterring mosquitoes. Other options that have little to no effect on mosquitoes include the use of essential oils and other smell deterrents like citronella torches outdoors. If you want to know what keeps mosquitoes away, here are a few real prevention tips our team of experts recommends you use.
When it comes to how to control mosquitoes here in Memphis, your best option is to hire the Memphis pest control experts at Dart Pest, Lawn & Wildlife. We will use advanced mosquito abatement strategies and treatments to address breeding sites and landing zones on your property. This will greatly reduce your chances of being bitten on your property and will allow you to better enjoy your yard. We also offer single-service options for your property or outdoor event centers that are guaranteed to deter mosquitoes for multiple weeks around your special outings.
Contact us today to find out more about our mosquito control or to get a quote for your Memphis property.
Tags: mosquitoes | mosquito control | mosquitoes in memphis
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