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Everyone envies a thick green lawn, but sometimes that lush greenery isn't just grass. Weeds can be a big problem for Memphis properties, and with the amount of energy you already put into lawn care maintenance, you don't want all your efforts to be ruined by nutrient leeches. With how resilient and hardy weeds can be, a yard full of them can spell trouble for your turf, so it's crucial to know how to spot them before it's too late.
There is a multitude of invasive weeds that you can find in Memphis neighborhoods, like dandelions and crabgrass, but they all bring the same problems to lawns and gardens:
One of the biggest problems with weeds is how incredibly prolific they are. Dandelions can bloom and produce seeds multiple times in the span of a summer, and the plant itself can live for over a decade if left undisturbed. There are other weeds that branch and vine out, producing roots that dig deep into the soil that make them much more difficult to completely eradicate. While some weeds may be easier to spot, it's the creeping ones that are most difficult to discover before they take over your lawn.
Weeds can be fairly easy to spot, especially if the plant structure differs from the natural turf on your Memphis lawn, but newer growth is much more difficult to discover than fully grown plants. These invasive plants grow much quicker than grass though, so if you spot unusually tall growth on your property, you may be looking at crabgrass instead of Bermuda grass. Ground cover weeds like Creeping Charlie or field bindweed may have much different leaf structures than grass, but their affinity to hug the ground makes them much more difficult to spot before it's too late.
You may be surprised to learn that weeds actually prefer harsher conditions. If you've ever noticed a dandelion poking up through the sidewalk, you may have wondered why it chose such an inhospitable place to grow to begin with, but the truth is, weeds love compacted soil. Compacted soil can cause a multitude of problems for your lawn, pest attraction included, but this also gives weeds a higher level of moisture which is something they especially love. Don't worry though, there are plenty of ways to make your property less habitable for weeds:
If you haven't studied the necessary care for grass and lawn turf, then growing a healthy lawn on your Memphis property usually comes down to a lot of guesswork. Thankfully, our lawn care experts at Dart Pest, Lawn, & Wildlife have all the knowledge and equipment necessary to keep your lawn looking flawless. Our lawn care services come with a variety of options, including weed removal and weed prevention. So get in contact with us today, and let us help your free up your summertime for more important activities.
Tags: weed prevention | weed control | weeds
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