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Pest Control Services in Memphis, TN
It’s common knowledge that various insects carry diseases that they can transmit to people. However, few people know which specific diseases certain insects will transmit.
When it comes to the presence of cockroaches in your home, it’s important to distinguish between a cockroach allergy and asthma brought on by the presence of cockroaches.
If you experience sneezing, coughing, and a runny or congested nose, you probably haven’t developed asthma. In this case, it’s more likely that you have a cockroach allergy.
Other symptoms of this type of allergy include itchy or watery eyes and itchy skin. People with more serious cockroach allergies may suffer from red and irritated skin or rashes.
In many cases, a cockroach allergy can worsen and become asthma. In this case, the symptoms will change. You’ll experience difficulty breathing and tightness or pain in the chest. You might also produce a wheezing or whistling sound when you exhale. Often, shortness of breath and coughing or wheezing can interrupt sleep.
Whether you have a cockroach allergy or asthma brought on by the presence of cockroaches, you can hire a pest removal service that offers cockroach control in Memphis, TN, as a solution. The removal of these pests can help alleviate your symptoms.
When cockroaches pose a problem in your home, there are things you can do in addition to hiring an exterminator for cockroach control in Memphis, TN. Essentially, this involves making your home less attractive to these pests.
Try these tips to make your home unwelcome to cockroaches:
You can also use plants to chase cockroaches away by planting them around the exterior of your home. Some plants that are effective at deterring cockroaches are rosemary, mint, hedgeapple, and chrysanthemums.
Dart Pest, Lawn, & Wildlife has proudly helped to keep homes in Memphis pest-free for 50 years. We offer both residential and commercial pest control solutions, with customer service as our highest priority. To learn more about our services and get started with an effective pest control strategy, contact us online today.
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